Monday, April 8, 2013

Excerpt From my Memo

I. Revamp the Traffic system around the School

Traffic modeling has always been the prior to numerous network engineering tasks like network planning or bandwidth yield management. It is still a huge research domain mainly based on advanced signal processing techniques. It can also help to better understand the underlying aspects of the usage of technology as well as to forecast its evolutions. This is an idea that the committee has laid to putting video cameras starting from the Ed Koch's Bridge to the 39th street around the school to punish the drivers with high speed. Cameras with photographic memory will help catching drivers with high speed around the school. Therefore punishing them would be the measure taking to prevent speeding and killing . we, engineers studying traffic flow or pattern around the campus,  have come up this concept called stochastic which defines the measures that we are taking to protect our fellow comrades around the school. Before doing everything, we have to make an emphasis on their awareness of the cameras by putting panels indicating that the drivers with high speeds are under surveillance video camera. Putting the cameras there and the panels will signal them to slow down. Psychologically, they will control themselves while driving around the campus full of students walking everywhere heading to class. This type of traffic modeling process will bring positive safety the students and the school's reputation.